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Flugzeuge hoben hell im klaren Himmel

Berlin 2020/2021 and ongoing
concept developed with Meret Schmiese

3D Architectures, Research Material, Text, Sound

„Flugzeuge hoben hell im klaren Himmel“* (Planes lifted brightly in the clear sky) was a visual research and a project sketch that collects architectural utopias designed for a supposedly empty space, outside: satellite cities, eco-cities, terraforming projects, oil platforms.

The framing text by architect Merete Mattern expresses for me the emancipating but also almost childlike idea of some of these building projects; a coordinated quality of life for all beings on earth.
The project wants to make visible the contradictions of a city-centred design of the supposedly untouched peripheries of the world and the connection to colonial structures and suggest to understand the world as a whole and as a dynamic system.


Some 3D models were created for an (unrealised) audiovisual walk in which site-specific alternative building ideas are brought to actual places, such as city edges, through AR. An audio walk, which makes it possible to experience different places through short sound design sequences and text fragments, guides and accompanies visitors from object to object.

*Merete Mattern: Thoughts on the development of eco-cities and eco-houses. in: Bauwelt 1979: Frauen in der Architektur - Frauenarchitektur? Issue No. 31/32, 1303-1306)

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