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I work in the arts and am currently based  in Vienna.This is a portfolio of my own projects that are located in between time-based media arts and artistic research.Apart from that and among other things I work in write and talk about art and work in exhibition production, curation and mediation.

– > // read; < –

Knochen überall: Erinnerungskultur und die (Un)Sichtbarkeit von Knochen bei der Tangente St. Pölten auf: 

KREDO Blog – die Festivalredaktion zur Tangente St. Pölten //

Dem Anfang entgegen kreisen: Luan Dannerbauer und Liese Schmidt über Rakete 2024: Luca Büchler, Adam und Amina Seid Tahir /(

 – > read online: a ghostly conversation in-between several mediums. conversational essay with Lisa Hoffmann, in: Contact Zones in Contemporary Art. Practices, Connectivity, Agencies: Barcelona, Mainz, Vienna.

// Review: Rakete Festival 2023: Magdalena Forster / Milena Georgieva and Suutoo


GEISTERSTUNDE: on the occult history of radio.

listen here!

--> Radioshow (ger/engl) on community radio station Radio Orange 94.0 (Vienna) and online

--> every last wednesday of the month @midnight​

on ghosthour i invite researchers, artist and people from various backgrounds to trace paths through the various circuits of media history and through the adjacent speculations about magic, occultism and mythology that accompany all electrical communication media.

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